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SLOVAK OldSchool Underground Independent & Non-Commercial Source of Information & Fun, accompanied by Webs, Forum, Chat and Radio & spiced with ONLINE Gameservers. And all of that with a bit of Brut.
@zombieslayer300330 Wanted! mod is integrated into our Half-Life pack, I tested it now, the download is working http://hlpack.BRUT.me , if the error persists, check the security settings of your computer, if it is not blocking the download
Po dlhodobejších drobných problémoch, za ktoré sa hráčom ospravedlňujeme a opakovanej výmene nášho sekundárneho servera s našimi goldsrc servermi (HL & Mody) funguje mašina konečne stabilne a bez akýchkoľvek zásekov, bodaj by to tak už ostalo navždy . Náš Half-Life, Counter Strike 1.6 a ostatné goldsrc servery sú teda 100 FPS, na každom sme navýšili počet hráčov a doladili drobné nastavenia. Najväčšie zmeny podstúpili oba naše Counter Strike 1.6 servery, kde sme už okrem spomenutých vylepšení vymenili aj botov za lepších, zvýšili a optimalizovali ich počet na každú mapu a taktiež sme popridávali aj nové oldschool mapy, ktoré v našom mapliste jednoznačne chýbali (fy_iceworld, de_rats_2002, de_inferno_old, de_mirage, as_highrise, as_tundra) a dokonca aj oba odstránené mapy pôvodného escape modu (es_jail, es_trinity), ktoré fungujú ako majú. Na náš Sven Co-Op 4.8 server sú postupne pridávané nové mapy ako ich testujeme, maplist sa priebežne aktualizuje.
Taktiež to tak vyzerá, že máme ešte nejaké to miesto na spustenie ďalšieho/ďalších serverov, čiže sme vytvorili ANKETU (KLIK), kde môžte hlasovať za nami vytipované herné servery, o ktorých sme presvedčení, že by spestrili zoznam BRUT.me Herných Serverov aj priamo pridať nové návrhy.
Je tu ešte jedna vec, tí ktorí sledujú naše fórum tak si už určite všimli, ešte sa dalaďujú detaily, ale za chvíľu vydáme ďalšiu Novinku .
Príjemnú zábavu a veľa šťastia v hre a v živote našej novej mašinke!
//english After long-term minor problems, for which we apologize to the players, and repeated replacement of our secondary server with our goldsrc servers (HL & Mods), the machine is finally working stably and without any crashes, I wish it would stay that way forever . Our Half-Life, Counter Strike 1.6 and other goldsrc servers are 100 FPS, on each we increased the number of players and fine-tuned minor settings. The biggest changes were made to both of our Counter Strike 1.6 servers, where in addition to the aforementioned improvements, we also replaced the bots with better ones, increased and optimized their number on each map, and also added new oldschool maps that were clearly missing from our map list (fy_iceworld, de_rats_2002, de_inferno_old, de_mirage, as_highrise, as_tundra) and even both removed maps of the original escape mod (es_jail, es_trinity), which work as they should. New maps are gradually being added to our Sven Co-Op 4.8 server as we test them, the maplist is constantly updated.
It also looks like we still have some room to launch another/more servers, so we have created a POLL (CLICK) where you can vote for our selected game servers, which we are convinced would enrich the list of BRUT.me Gameervers.and directly add new suggestions.
There is one more thing, those who follow our forum have probably already noticed, the details are still being polished, but we will release another News in a moment .
Have fun and good luck in the game and in the life of our new machine!
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